Minister has departed for Jakarta, Indonesia, to participate in the 5th Ministerial Meeting and 12th High-Level Officials Meeting of the Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Health and Environment

23 September 2024
Minister of Health Dr. Abdulla Khaleel has departed for Jakarta, Indonesia, to participate in the 5th Ministerial Meeting (MM) and 12th High-Level Officials Meeting (HLOM) of the Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Health and Environment (APRFHE). This forum, established in 2004, is a key platform that addresses the complex relationship between environmental factors and public health outcomes across the Asia-Pacific region. For the Maldives, it plays a crucial role in enhancing intergovernmental collaboration to tackle these pressing challenges.
From 24-26 September 2024, the Minister will engage in site visits and exchanges with Indonesian healthcare professionals, particularly focusing on primary healthcare, elderly care, health information systems, and the use of digital tools in health services. These engagements will offer valuable insights into Indonesia’s advanced healthcare systems and innovations, inspiring the Maldives’ ongoing efforts to strengthen healthcare delivery.
The Asia Pacific Regional Forum on Health and Environment, which originally brought together health and environment ministers from ASEAN and East Asian countries, now includes WHO SEARO, WHO WPRO, and UNEP ROAP. The forum emphasizes knowledge-sharing and policy advocacy to protect health from environmental risks, promoting a comprehensive approach aligned with global frameworks like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement, and the Minamata Convention.
A key goal of the forum is to encourage member nations to implement National Environmental Health Action Plans, with some countries already initiating successful projects with external support. For the Maldives, participating in this forum provides an opportunity to gain technical expertise and resources, contributing to the development of sustainable and cost-effective healthcare and environmental policies.
Dr. Khaleel’s participation and the planned exchanges in Jakarta are expected to strengthen collaboration between the Maldives and Indonesia while offering critical guidance for shaping the future of Maldives’ healthcare system.