77th Session of the World Health Assembly has begun

27 May 2024
The 77th Session of the World Health Assembly, hosted by the World Health Organization, commenced today in Geneva, Switzerland. Representatives from all 194 Member States of the WHO are participating in this gathering, which will continue from May 27th to June 1st, 2024. Numerous crucial decisions concerning global health are anticipated during this significant assembly.
The Maldivian delegation to the World Health Assembly this year is led by Minister of Health Dr. Abdulla Khaleel, accompanied by the Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Dr. Salma Rasheed, and high-level staff of the Ministry of Health and Permanent Mission of Maldives to the United Nations Office at Geneva.
Minister Dr. Khaleel is set to deliver the official statement during the plenary session of the 77th World Health Assembly on behalf of the Maldives. The topic of his address will be "WHO at 77: All for Health, Health for All."
World Health Assembly will convene to address a diverse range of global health challenges and initiatives. Discussions will focus on topics such as universal health coverage, infectious disease prevention, maternal and child health, climate change's impact on health, and antimicrobial resistance. Additionally, attention will be given to emergency preparedness and response, financing of health programs, and strengthening health systems. Overall, the Assembly will serve as a platform to advance global health goals and strategies for a healthier and more resilient world.